Ah, Disabled loos, it really is like a lucky dip with them - I always enter them with some trepidation. What really bugs me is that there isn't separate female and male disabled toilets - in my perfect world there would be female, male and Unisex. I don't see why abled people should get a choice and not me!
Not to tarnish all guys with the same brush, but men can, shall we say...miss, on occasion (not that women aren't gross, I have seen some horrific sights in female toilets, but I'm deliberately being pernickety here). I would just like some choice in the matter is all!
Anyways, today was one of those days when I wished there was more than one user-friendly facilities available. On approaching the toilet, horrific bodily sounds were heard emanating from inside (Another thing that bugs me about them - we just get one door, that's it. Other people get a door, then another door. You really feel quite exposed inside those things!), and I knew only bad things could come from this.
I had to wait quite a while, and in that time I heard the loo being flushed a few times. Oh dear. Now I'm sure we've all been in an awkward situation public toilet wise, but I would hope people would leave it in a state that they would wish to find it!
After a further wait, the facilities finally became free. Edging veeeeeeeery slowly in, I then promptly backed out speedily! Oh God, the smell. The smell. I peeked in again, approaching the dreaded toilet. Even from a distance I could see that it was blocked.