Saturday 4 December 2010

Manchester and News

I have finally got a letter telling me when my appointment to see the Neurosurgeon is! I think it is just going to a consultation, and not the actual testing, but still, progress! So that will be in February next year, so hopefully the ball will start to roll quickly after that.

In other news, I went to Manchester yesterday to hang out with a friend. It was a very fun day, and to sum it up, Manchester gets a seal of approval for wheelchair friendliness! There was one "ah crap" moment, when we got to Weatherspoons, as we were confronted with steps leading up to the door. My friend went in to ask if there was a wheelchair accessible entry, and got quite confused as she saw a disabled toilet!

In the end it was all good, and there was an entrance around the back from another street.

So German Market brandy punch + relatively flat streets + bonding over nom noms = good times!