Friday, 12 August 2011

Way Overdue

It has been over a month since I last posted, where I left it hanging with me off to the Lake District. The reason for this is that no sooner than I had returned everything that could happen at once, kicked off.

1) I started an online course in Python Programming.
2) The job offer I had been waiting for rung me to say I had got the job(woo!, also argh!).
3) Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy started again. A few weeks into this and I was referred to the day rehab unit two days a week.
4) I was meant to start working on a University module assignment retake.
5) A new family arrival in the form of Lulu (Guinea Pig shaped!).

So you can see, things have been a bit hectic lately! Because there is a lot to update on, I'm going to split it up into separate blog posts for readability, so apologies for mass-postings.

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