Monday, 8 November 2010


So I had my 6 monthly visit to my neurologist, just to check up on things and to make sure we both knew what was going on (I am losing count on the different doctors I have seen over the last 6 months!). He said he would check that my referral to be admitted to hospital for dosage testing hadn't been lost in the hospital system, and to try and hurry it up if possible.

He was also very surprised that the wheelchair services* said that they couldn't assess me for a wheelchair because they thought I didn't need one! He said " DO need a wheelchair?!" *confused look*
He said he would right a strong supporting letter to wheelchair services for me, so hopefully that might sort things out.

In other news, final year at Uni is MANIC. The good news is that I have now moved into a new flat, with NO steps down to the bathroom! The bedroom is massive as well, and there is somewhere to eat! We do not have a sofa any more though...

*I will make a post of my experience with wheelchair services another time, but needless to say, it was not forthcoming.